
Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electricity is used to keep everyone safe. 

Because we use electricity differently across a site there are different ways to help manage the risks. 

Residual Current Devices (RCDs) 

An RCD is an electrical safety device designed to immediately switch off the supply of electricity when electricity ‘leaking’ to earth is detected at harmful levels. RCDs offer high levels of personal protection from electric shock.

There are three types of RCD:

Fixed at the switchboard

Built into the powerpoint



Keep you and your team safe while working around electricity by checking your RCD regularly. Across Australia, the testing frequency is based off the standard,  AS/NZS 3012:2019 which sets the specific requirements for construction sites and states:

If an RCD is tested and found to be faulty it must be taken out of service immediately and replaced as soon as possible.

Leads and Cords

Leads and cords are easily damaged, particularly those connected to equipment that is often moved. To protect them: 

Testing and Tagging of leads and cords

Inspection, testing and tagging of electrical leads and cords on construction sites are required to be completed every 3 months* by a competent person. 

Any lead or cord that is damaged or that fails testing is to be immediately taken out of use and removed offsite. If you cannot promptly remove it offsite, consider other means like attaching a durable out of service tag so as to warn workers not to use that piece of equipment.

Monitor and Review

When you complete your regular Site Reviews using the HazardCo App, make sure that you are checking RCD’s and all other electrical equipment are in good working condition and are regularly inspected and tested. 

Further Information 

If you have any questions in regards to this topic or need more support , reach out to HazardCo and speak to one of our expert Health and Safety Advisors. You can contact us on 1800 954 702.

*For Hire equipment, inspection is required prior to each hire and testing is carried out at least monthly. If hire equipment remains on the construction site then the frequency listed applies.

Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to SafeWork Australia, in the construction industry alone there were 15,877 serious work-related injury claims between 2020 and 2021, and in the same period, there were 316 fatalities. 

Construction and trades make up a fair portion of incidents and injuries at work. When you think about the cost of the time off, it adds up to a pretty staggered sum.  As of 2020 the average compensation claim looks like:

With numbers like this, we need to help you find a way to improve the health and safety culture so you can make sure it’s safe and profitable as well. 

The signs of poor health and safety
If you’re concerned that your health and safety policies and procedures aren’t being followed or maybe not quite up to scratch, there are a number of things you can keep your eyes peeled for: 

So, how do you get your crew on board?
When it comes down to it, creating a culture of site safety isn’t as easy as putting new procedures in place and calling it a job well done – it’s up to you to involve and motivate your crew to be proactive and take safety into their own hands. You need to make sure that your crew are on board and are taking the right steps to create a safety culture. 

Some steps you can take include:

It seems like an obvious one but poor communication can really hinder your efforts to create a safety culture. Having regular honest and open communication with your crew about why you’re talking about all things safety is the best way to help them understand the importance. 

The more transparent and clear you are, the more likely they will be to really take the new initiatives seriously. Make sure that your crew has easy access to your current health and safety guidelines so they can stay in the know about any changes. 

Support your staff
Site safety isn’t just about incidents on your site, it’s also about being a supportive employer who ensures their people are feeling safe and secure when they come to work every day. Make sure that the physical health, mental health and even emotional health of your people is a factor for how you manage them. Those working in construction and trades like other sections of society are  at risk of depression, stress, or anxiety as well. 

If you are taking steps to improve your site safety culture, make sure you factor in both physical and mental health awareness in all that you do for your staff. By providing resources and establishing an environment where your crew feels respected and safe to open up and express themselves you’ll be able to create a support system where you can look after each other’s wellbeing and mental health. 

Ensuring that your crew are trained up on all the correct licenses, procedures and health and safety practices is a sure fire way to make sure that they are fully knowledgeable on correct procedures. With the right training in place, you can have confidence that they know how to safely and correctly perform their jobs. 

Be a leader
We’ve all experienced bad leadership before, and that if they don’t care about something, it’s highly unlikely you will either. So, if your crew sees that you don’t take health and safety seriously, you’re out of luck getting them to foster a culture of site safety.  

You need to walk the walk before you talk the talk. Demonstrate to your crew the importance of following health and safety standards by doing them yourself. They’re a whole lot more likely to follow your example than just take your word for it. 

You need to set the tone with your crew that reporting incidents isn’t something they need to feel anxious or uncomfortable about doing. Make it clear that they won’t get in any trouble for making a report but instead see it as a way of finding out what caused the accident or injury and what can be done to make sure it won’t happen again. By making proper reporting a core element of your crew’s job responsibilities it can become second nature to them. 

Make it a team effort
Site safety impacts everyone, so it makes sense that your crew should have a hand in shaping their site’s culture. The more input they have, the more likely they are to follow precautions. 

By having regular health and safety chats with your crew, you can give them the opportunity to voice their own safety concerns and opinions. By having open conversations and allowing input from your crew you’re giving them the ability to implement safety measures that affect their own jobs, ultimately making them more likely to follow processes and encourage others to do the same.

If you have any questions please reach out to the HazardCo team today

You’re probably across the recent engineered stone ban, but did you know SafeWork Australia has just come out with new rules to further protect workers from crystalline silica found in other building materials? These new rules begin on 1st September this year and apply to all states except Victoria whose rules are already in place. 

Crystalline Silica Substances (CSS) include stuff like sand, stone, concrete, and mortar that contain at least 1% crystalline silica. When you cut, crush, drill, polish, saw or grind these materials, they release tiny dust particles called respirable crystalline silica (RCS). These particles are so small they can get deep into your lungs, which can lead to serious health issues, like silicosis—a lung disease.

What you need to do:

Risk Assessment

If silica dust is generated, assess if the work is high-risk. Document this using the handy Form in the HazardCo Hub, and if you determine the work is not high risk, you must explain why. If you’re unsure, assume it is high-risk.  When assessing if processing CSS is high risk, consider these factors:


Put control measures in place (this applies to both low risk and high risk work)

Eliminate or minimise the risks from processing the CSS as much as possible and use at least one of the following measures during the processing: 

If workers are still at risk of being exposed to silica dust after you’ve put one or more of the above controls in place they need to be provided with respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and wear the respiratory protective equipment while the work is carried out. 

If you think it’s high-risk work:

Silica risk control plan

Avoid high-risk tasks when possible. If unavoidable, create a silica risk control plan outlining tasks, risks, and controls. This plan must be developed with workers, shared with them before starting work, and regularly reviewed for effectiveness.

What needs to be in a silica risk control plan? 

Keep it simple and easy to understand—no need for lengthy explanations. 

We suggest using the SWMS tool in the HazardCo App if the processing creates a contaminated atmosphere or involves high-risk construction work. Just ensure all the Silica Control Plan requirements are covered.


Ensure that any worker involved in or at risk of RCS exposure due to high-risk CSS processing receives crystalline silica training. This training must be nationally accredited or approved by the WHS regulator and should cover health risks and the correct use of control measures. 

Air monitoring

Conduct air monitoring if you’re unsure whether silica levels exceed the Workplace Exposure Standard (WES) or need to assess if there are health risks from RCS processes. Hire a certified expert like an occupational hygienist, to perform the monitoring and ensure it meets standards. If levels exceed limits, report it to the Regulator within 14 days. Keep records for 30 years and make them available to affected workers.

Health monitoring

Provide health monitoring for workers at significant risk from ongoing silica exposure, including those near high-risk processing. Keep records for 30 years and give a copy to the worker.

Review controls

Regularly review safety measures, especially after workplace changes.

If you need guidance, reach out to our advisory team at 1800 954 702 for assistance.

HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or principal contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obligation to make sure your team has access to first aid equipment and facilities, as well as access to trained first aiders.

To determine the necessary level for your workplace, assess the site by considering:

Don’t forget to involve your workers in the process and if you are working with multiple trades, or are the principal contractor, you should share information and work together cooperatively.

First Aid Kits 

Having a first aid kit on a construction site is essential to quickly address injuries and medical emergencies. Great kits can be sourced from many places – a basic kit should include equipment t to tend to:


Basic first aid kits are not always enough given the nature of construction work and increased risk of eye injury, cuts, falls etc, so you’ll need to consider what other equipment to add e.g. eye pads, eyewash, additional dressings and bandages.

Include your team and see if they think your first aid kit is sufficient for the site hazards and team size… and make sure they know who the trained first aider is and where the first aid kit is kept! It helps if your first aid kit is clearly labeled and is made from a material that can protect the contents from dust, moisture and contamination. 

 Lastly, assign someone to be in charge of replenishing the kit. Make sure this happens regularly and keep a list of what’s supposed to be in the kit to make topping it up easier. At the same time, check training is up to date for your first aiders, and if your team size has changed, whether you still have enough team members trained in first aid.

 Keeping first aid up to date is the right thing to do by your team, so make sure you’ve got things covered and that you’re all prepared if any sort of injury takes place.


If you have any questions please contact the HazardCo team today.

It’s important for young people starting out in construction to understand how to stay safe at work. Young workers lack experience and might not know about all the hazards yet, which could put them in danger of getting hurt. Sometimes young people might feel like they have to impress others, or they might think they’re better at the job than they actually are, they may also forget about safety rules or be afraid to speak up if something seems unsafe. Because of this young workers have additional needs and should be supervised when working on-site. 

Positive safety culture onsite comes from the top down, supervisors should be actively modeling and training young workers about safety rules, make sure they have the right gear, and encourage them to speak up if they see any problems. 

There are some jobs that young workers shouldn’t do because they might not have enough experience or strength yet. Supervisors need to make sure young workers can handle their tasks and keep an eye on them until they are sure they are able to do the work safely. Young workers also need to think about their own safety, listen to instructions and follow safety rules.

When everyone works together to stay safe, it helps make sure everyone goes home safely at the end of the day.

Now, let’s delve deeper into some specific measures that can be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of young workers in the construction industry:

  1. Comprehensive training: Employers should provide thorough training. This training should cover specific job duties and safety procedures, hazard identification and emergency protocols. By giving young workers the necessary knowledge and skills, employers can empower them to work safely and confidently.  Basic health and safety should be incorporated into their training from the start, and ongoing support should be provided to address any gaps in understanding. Regular check-ins to gauge their comprehension and comfort with procedures and equipment are essential.
  2. Clear communication: Good communication is key to creating a safe work environment. Employers should clearly communicate safety expectations and procedures to young workers, making sure that they understand their responsibilities and know how to respond in different situations. Young people often have fresh perspectives and questions that can lead to improvements. Encouraging them to voice their ideas can contribute significantly to a safer workplace for everyone. 
  3. Supervision and mentorship: Experienced workers can play a vital role in guiding and mentoring on construction sites. Assigning a mentor or supervisor to oversee the work of young workers can help prevent incidents and ensure that tasks are completed safely and correctly. This also provides young workers with an opportunity to learn from experienced builders and develop their skills over time.
  4. Lead by example. Supervisors play a critical role in ensuring workplace safety. They should actively monitor work practices, correct unsafe behaviors, and be available to answer questions. Providing ongoing support and guidance to supervisors, especially if they are also young workers, is essential for maintaining a positive safety culture.
  5. Regular safety inspections: Regular inspections of the work site should be conducted to identify and address any safety hazards or potential risks. Employers should involve young workers in these inspections, encouraging them to participate in hazard identification and risk assessment. By regularly assessing and addressing safety concerns, employers can create a safer work environment for all employees.
  6. Ongoing education and support: Safety education should be an ongoing process for young workers in the construction industry. Employers should provide regular opportunities for training and development, keeping young workers informed about new safety regulations, procedures, and best practices. Additionally, employers should offer support and guidance to young workers as they navigate their roles and responsibilities in the workplace.
  7. Create a positive culture: Creating a positive safety environment involves more than just having policies in place. Supervisors should consistently reinforce safety practices and lead by example by wearing personal protective equipment. Implementing a buddy system can also provide additional support to young workers, allowing them to learn from experienced colleagues while fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

Employing young workers in the construction industry has benefits for the young person, the company and for the industry as a whole as the next generation of builders learn and grow into future roles. By prioritising safety and investing in the well-being of young workers, employers can create a culture of safety that benefits everyone involved. Together, we can build a safer and more secure future for the next generation of construction workers.

If you have any questions, get in touch with the HazardCo team today

Tools, vehicles, and heavy equipment all create vibrations that can affect your body. This is a normal part of any tradie’s day, whether you’re picking up power tools or jumping in the ute. It’s so common that many don’t realise the potential harm these vibrations can cause. However, it’s something you should start thinking about and being aware of.

How are workers harmed?

Vibrations are a natural part of working on any construction site but they do create a risk to you and your workers. Repeatedly using vibrating hand and power tools, or being around vibrating vehicles and machines can lead to serious and lasting harm to your blood vessels, nerves, and joints. Many of the most commonly used items give off some form of vibration. Here are  the most common ways tradies are exposed to vibrations:

While these are the most common forms of exposure, the below should also be considered as they increase the risk of overexposure to vibrations:

Early warning signs 

We understand that for many tradies, working with vibrations is a natural and unavoidable part of the job. With that in mind, there are a few warning signs and symptoms of overexposure to keep an eye out for: 

If you are continually exposed to vibrations especially in your hands and arms you can develop hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

Symptoms of HAVS and CTS caused by Bad Vibrations

What you can do to manage risk

It is up to everyone on-site to look out for each other. Consultation with your team should take place to make sure an environment can be created where excessive exposure to vibrations are eliminated or minimised.

Below are simple yet effective ways to either eliminate or minimise the effects. 


Above all else, be aware that vibrations can be extremely harmful, especially when you’re exposed for lengthy periods of time. 

Your best tool for minimising the effects of vibrations is to start a conversation with your boss, or your team, and put steps in place to look out for each other and your equipment. 

If you have any questions please reach out the the HazardCo team 

Engineered stone ban summary

Updated on 26 August 2024

On 1st July 2024 an engineered stone ban will take effect in all states and territories. The ban prohibits the use, supply, manufacture, processing or installation of engineered stone benchtops, slabs or panels.

Further information is yet to come on:


New crystalline silica regulations

Until now, the focus has been on engineered stone, however crystalline silica can be found in many other building materials. It has just been announced from 1st September 2024 changes to the crystalline silica regulations will be made to further protect workers.

This includes working out if the processing of the crystalline silica substance is high risk and putting in place additional control measures if it is. Read our summary of the Crystalline Silica rules.

A new Code of Practice will be released in all states to reflect these changes. During its development, Safe Work Australia will provide guidance to help businesses and workers understand and comply with the new regulations.


Engineered stone FAQ 

What is engineered stone?

Engineered stone is an artificial product that:

What’s not included under the definition of “Engineered stone”?

Is there a transitional period?

What about already installed engineered stone?

If you need to repair, remove, dispose of or make any minor modifications after 1st July 2024, you will need to notify your state regulator first. Notification forms will be available from your state regulator along with any other specific information such as timeframes and re-notification requirements.

VIC – A licence is no longer needed to work with engineered stone from 1st July 2024 and no notification will be required to work with already installed stone.

NSW, SA, WA, TAS, QLD – Notification forms will be available from your state regulator before 1st July 2024 and you will need to submit the form before starting any work.

NT – Written notification will be required every 12 months. The form will be ready before 1st July 2024.

ACT – Notification is required from 1st November 2024 and you will only need to notify once.

Remember, before starting any of the work you must have control measures in place to minimise the dust and you must wear respiratory protection.

Creating a SWMS in the HazardCo App can help you with selecting the right controls for the task such as using water suppression or on-tool dust extraction, and a minimum P2 dust mask or respirator.

Are there any alternatives out there?

There are plenty of silica-free options out there to suit every budget such as timber, stainless steel, and laminate options have come a long way, such as these Contact Sheet options from Laminex.   


Resource links




Work Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation Ministers’ Meeting – 10 May 2024 – Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government (dewr.gov.au)


Information correct as of: 24th June 2024

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is essential gear for protecting you from inhaling hazardous substances. In this blog, we’ll explore the important role of RPE, whether you are dealing with airborne contaminants like asbestos, fumes,  dust, or working in a confined space, RPE is an essential personal protective equipment (PPE) that makes sure you can breathe safely. Join us as we deep dive into the different types of RPE, their applications, and how they can protect you from potential health risks.

Before you even get started with RPE, make sure you have other practical control measures in place first; such as local exhaust ventilation or direct dust-extracted tools with a vacuum catchment to get rid of the majority of contaminants in the air. You should also be keeping an eye on your team’s health and workplace conditions to ensure that, over time, they aren’t being made sick or getting injured by their work.

Remember, there is no such thing as a healthy dust, even if you are outside!

We’ve gone ahead and put together a quick guide of factors to consider when providing your workers with RPE. 

Types of RPE

Disposable respirators are good for short term or one-off use and when you have existing controls in place to give you extra protection. When using a disposable respirator you need to make sure a seal has been created to protect you from harmful particles such as dust, fumes and fibres.

Respirators use replaceable filters to remove contaminants to clean the air for the wearer. They come in half-face and full-face versions. The cartridge filters are specific to certain types of contaminants, ask your manufacturer exactly which cartridge you should be using for the respirator you have and the contaminants you will be facing.


Remember if you have stubble or any facial hair you may not be getting the seal and the protection you think you are! So if you love your bread as much as your lungs read on to find out what you can do

Man wearing half and full faced RPE

Powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs) consist of headgear and fan assembly that take contaminated air, filters it, and then delivers the clean air to the user. These are also known as positive pressure systems. These not only keep you nice and cool, but offer the highest protection there is for people who have facial hair. Something to note with these is that the visors and headset can be impact rated if you need it, and don’t fog up because of the airflow.

Powered air purifying respirator RPE

Supplied air respirators provide a supply of clean air to the wearer from a source such as an air compressor or cylinder. It’s important to note that the air supply needs to be checked regularly to make sure that it is safe to use – just think about what you see coming out of your air compressor when you release the valve under the air tank! The user must also be trained in how to use the system. 

Breathing Apparatus RPE

Using RPE

It’s important for your workers to be trained in using and maintaining their RPE. They should visually check their RPE for signs of damage before each use to identify any issues, including whether it needs to be cleaned or decontaminated. 

Make sure your team keep their RPE on while working in the hazardous area. Removing it for even a short period of time is a risk to their health.

Did you know that they come in different sizes? One size does not fit all!

If your workers are using RPE then make sure they are fit tested, this way you will know who needs what size, otherwise it may not work and give the protection your workers need.
The manufacturer of the RPE can tell you who can do this testing.

There are two checks which you need to do each time you use and RPE:
1 – check for damage visually to the sealing surfaces and straps
2 – check the valves are functioning correctly like WorkSafe images below

How to check seal on RPE

Image Source: Worksafe New Zealand

Keep in mind that if your worker’s safety glasses fog up while they are wearing a half-face respirator, this is a sign that there is a leak at the top of the respirator which means they are not getting full protection. 


Life Shavers: Shaving your beard could save your life

When your workers are wearing respiratory protective equipment at work, they must be clean shaven to ensure it is forming a seal and protecting them from breathing in hazardous materials. Even a small amount of stubble can prevent RPE from sealing correctly which means your workers will still be inhaling harmful materials which may cause health concerns. A clean shave goes hand in hand with the correct RPE for the job.

It’s your legal responsibility to monitor your workers’ health. Make sure that you are completing regular Site Reviews on the HazardCo App, as this will help you to identify potential hazards and put effective plans in place. Your HazardCo Advisory Team is available throughout the day to guide you through this – call 1800 954 702 to talk it over.

facial hair for RPE

Image source WorkSafe

Lithium batteries are common in everyday life and on the worksite, their lightweight, long life, interchangeability and quick charge benefits mean that they are now used in everything from laptops to power tools to EVs. But did you know that they pose a significant risk and need to be a part of your health and safety plan?

What’s the risk?

Lithium batteries of all sizes have the potential to overheat and catch fire. The fire is hotter, harder to put out and the smoke from these fires is incredibly toxic. Lithium batteries generally overheat if they get wet, damaged or are used with incorrect charging equipment. 

Damaged batteries can explode at any time giving off flames that burn anywhere between 500 and 1000 degrees celsius. These fires are very difficult to extinguish as both water and CO2 will only suppress the fire, not extinguish it. Even if the fire has been suppressed it can still ignite again if the battery still contains energy to burn. Because of this, lithium batteries need to be properly cared for according to the manufacturer’s instructions to minimise the risk, aside from that, you need a plan in place in case of a fire. 

Hot tip: The bigger the battery the bigger the risk 

Ways to minimise the risk:

Safe lithium battery disposal

Never dispose of Lithium batteries in general rubbish as it can result in a fire in your bin or on the way to a transfer station, creating a risk to those transporting them. The manufacturer should be able to advise safe disposal or check out your local battery recycling centre. 

Lithium batteries are going to continue playing a crucial role in our workplaces and lifestyles, so it’s necessary to recognize the potential hazards associated with them. By having awareness of these risks and good practices, we can work together to reduce the potential dangers, resulting in safer working environments where Lithium batteries are used.

If you have any questions, give the Hazardco team a call today!

Making sure your scaffolding is safe and ready for action is key. Here are the times you have to give it a good once over: 

All scaffolds must be checked by a competent person before handover and scaffolds taller than 4m must be erected and inspected by someone who holds a high risk work license. Handover checks can involve completing a handover certificate and should be kept at the workplace until the scaffold is taken down.  Scaffold tags are a great way to identify whether a scaffold is safe to use or not, and are used after it has been checked. Tags should be clearly displayed where workers can see as they approach the scaffold. The tags should be at every access point to the scaffold or at least at eye level on the ladders.The tag should include the following:

 If there’s no tag, it might not be safe to use! Get in touch with your scaffold installer to sort it out and get it tagged.

Every 30 days a licensed scaffolder (if over 4m) or competent person (under 4m) should be checking the scaffolding to make sure it is safe. If the inspector has found any damages or non-compliant areas of the scaffold, then access needs to be stopped  and the tag updated stating the scaffold is not compliant and should not be used.

A thorough inspection of your scaffolding should also be conducted after any tweaks, fixes, or wild weather. And don’t forget to keep records of all these inspections.

If you have any questions get in touch with the team at HazardCo or have a look at our other working at heights blog here

Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electri...
Two workers using a ipad to fill out incident report on site
Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to SafeWork Australia, in the construction industry alone there were 15,877 s...
You’re probably across the recent engineered stone ban, but did you know SafeWork Australia has just come out with new rules to further protect workers from crystalline silica found in other b...
person giving first aid to injured workers hand
HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or principal contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obli...
Young Worker, wearing hard hat and Hi vis vest
It's important for young people starting out in construction to understand how to stay safe at work. Young workers lack experience and might not know about all the hazards yet, which could put...
Tools, vehicles, and heavy equipment all create vibrations that can affect your body. This is a normal part of any tradie's day, whether you're picking up power tools or jumping in the ute. It...
Engineered stone ban summary Updated on 26 August 2024 On 1st July 2024 an engineered stone ban will take effect in all states and territories. The ban prohibits the use, supply, manufactu...
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is essential gear for protecting you from inhaling hazardous substances. In this blog, we'll explore the important role of RPE, whether you are dealing w...
lithium battery and drill lying beside screws
Lithium batteries are common in everyday life and on the worksite, their lightweight, long life, interchangeability and quick charge benefits mean that they are now used in everything from lap...
Making sure your scaffolding is safe and ready for action is key. Here are the times you have to give it a good once over:  After Installation: Right after it's set up. At least every ...
Hazardous substances are chemicals or substances which can be toxic, corrosive and can cause harm. So it makes sense that we document what’s on-site and how much we have. If you have hazard...
When it comes to construction sites, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone on-site is the top priority. It’s more than just wearing hard hats and high-vis vests. It involves careful pl...