
The holiday season is almost upon us, and we’re all eager to have a bit of a rest, recharge, and spend quality time with our families. As we wind up 2024, it is a demanding time for construction as we try to complete jobs before the holiday shutdown. This can make it tempting to take shortcuts, however, it can also lead to an increase in incidents, with the last two months of the year seeing a spike in workplace incidents.

Common factors can include time pressure, working in the heat, and fatigue. It’s important to keep the health, safety, and well-being of workers front of mind.

It’s necessary to start preparing for the Christmas shutdown so that you don’t have any interruptions during your break or come to a nasty surprise on your first day back. This is particularly important with residential sites which are mostly in populated areas.

Unsecured sites could be hazardous to members of the public, especially children, particularly with sites near parks, schools, homes or recreational areas. Children are unaware of the dangers of a construction site so keeping them out is key.

A safe and secure site is more than just locking the gates. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is the worksite fenced off from the public and the boundary secure?
    Make sure your site is securely fenced and all entrances are locked. Ensure your fencing is a sufficient height and that the gap at the bottom isn’t too big that people including children could squeeze through underneath.
  2. Is clear signage present to warn people of danger?
    Make sure your Hazard Board is up to date listing the current hazards and your contact details are clearly visible in case something does pop up you can be contacted quickly. If you need to order a project for your job this can be done through the HazardCo HUB.
  3. Have steps been taken to prevent any unauthorised access, e.g. are all ladders removed or their rungs boarded so they can’t be used?
    Remove any temptation to access hazardous areas. Where practical, remove all ladders from the site, including scaffolding and excavation ladders, or block access to these accessways.
  4. Are excavations and openings securely covered, fenced off, or backfilled?
    Cover and fence off any excavations to prevent potential falls. Where practical backfilling excavations are recommended.
  5. Is all plant immobilised to prevent unauthorised use?
    If you are unable to remove your vehicles or plant from the site, make sure they are left in a secure area, preferably out of sight and the keys removed.
  6. Are materials safely stacked and secured?
    Ensure building materials are safely stacked and stored so they can’t topple or be knocked over.
  7. Are all flammable or dangerous substances locked away in secure storage places?
    Lock up your hazardous substances in secure storage appropriate for the type of substances being stored. Where possible remove hazardous substances from the site.
  8. Are temporary structures stable and able to withstand bad weather conditions?
    Check your temporary structures such as scaffolding and barriers to ensure they are secure and stable. Taking into consideration the changing weather.
  9. Has the mains power been switched off?
    Make sure the builder’s temporary or main power supply and switchboard are switched off and locked out.
  10. Do unwanted construction materials and waste need to be removed from the site?
    A quick clean-up can make a big difference. Make sure you remove all waste and empty skip bins on site.

Download our Site Security Checklist for a comprehensive list.

Some other things to consider

Taking the time to prepare your site for the holiday shutdown can help to make sure you get to spend uninterrupted time with your family and friends.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your Health and Safety please give our Advisory Team a call on 1800 954 702 or email info@hazardco.com.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable break over the holiday season!

When you have an incident on-site, whether it’s a near miss, an injury, or a work-related illness, it’s important to document an incident report.

Incident reports don’t need to be time-consuming,  lengthy or use fancy health and safety terms, you just need to describe what happened in your own words so you have a record of the incident. You can use the incident report to help explain what happened to others, such as your direct team on-site, contractors,  other Employers, or the Principal Contractor.


What is an incident report?

An incident report is the process of recording incidents on-site, such as near misses, injuries, illnesses and plant/property damage. It involves documenting all the facts (known so far) related to the incident. 

Check out this blog on managing and reporting incidents at work to learn more about what is considered an incident and why it’s both important and helpful to report incidents.


How to complete an incident report

Example incident report: Hit body on object


Hitting your body on an object is a very common example of an incident. For this incident report example, we will assume someone on-site has hit their body on a door frame and injured their shoulder.



Pictures speak a thousand words so don’t forget that you can upload scene photos or relevant information in picture form at this step in the app, and if there’s something that you don’t want forgotten you can also create a task.

This is an example of a simple incident report, find out more about what good incident reporting looks like. 

If you’re a HazardCo member, hit the Report an Incident button in the HazardCo App and follow the guided prompts to record the incident. Your membership includes 24/7 incident support, so if you need some extra help filling in the report, would like advice on if the incident is notifiable to the Regulator, or would just like to chat with an expert about how to communicate the incident to your team, we are here to help! 

Remember, when you have an incident on-site, writing an incident report is just one action you need to take. Learn more about what to do when you have an incident on site.

Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electricity is used to keep everyone safe. 

Because we use electricity differently across a site there are different ways to help manage the risks. 

Residual Current Devices (RCDs) 

An RCD is an electrical safety device designed to immediately switch off the supply of electricity when electricity ‘leaking’ to earth is detected at harmful levels. RCDs offer high levels of personal protection from electric shock.

There are three types of RCD:

Fixed at the switchboard

Built into the powerpoint



Keep you and your team safe while working around electricity by checking your RCD regularly. Across Australia, the testing frequency is based off the standard,  AS/NZS 3012:2019 which sets the specific requirements for construction sites and states:

If an RCD is tested and found to be faulty it must be taken out of service immediately and replaced as soon as possible.

Leads and Cords

Leads and cords are easily damaged, particularly those connected to equipment that is often moved. To protect them: 

Testing and Tagging of leads and cords

Inspection, testing and tagging of electrical leads and cords on construction sites are required to be completed every 3 months* by a competent person. 

Any lead or cord that is damaged or that fails testing is to be immediately taken out of use and removed offsite. If you cannot promptly remove it offsite, consider other means like attaching a durable out of service tag so as to warn workers not to use that piece of equipment.

Monitor and Review

When you complete your regular Site Reviews using the HazardCo App, make sure that you are checking RCD’s and all other electrical equipment are in good working condition and are regularly inspected and tested. 

Further Information 

If you have any questions in regards to this topic or need more support , reach out to HazardCo and speak to one of our expert Health and Safety Advisors. You can contact us on 1800 954 702.

*For Hire equipment, inspection is required prior to each hire and testing is carried out at least monthly. If hire equipment remains on the construction site then the frequency listed applies.

Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to SafeWork Australia, in the construction industry alone there were 15,877 serious work-related injury claims between 2020 and 2021, and in the same period, there were 316 fatalities. 

Construction and trades make up a fair portion of incidents and injuries at work. When you think about the cost of the time off, it adds up to a pretty staggered sum.  As of 2020 the average compensation claim looks like:

With numbers like this, we need to help you find a way to improve the health and safety culture so you can make sure it’s safe and profitable as well. 

The signs of poor health and safety
If you’re concerned that your health and safety policies and procedures aren’t being followed or maybe not quite up to scratch, there are a number of things you can keep your eyes peeled for: 

So, how do you get your crew on board?
When it comes down to it, creating a culture of site safety isn’t as easy as putting new procedures in place and calling it a job well done – it’s up to you to involve and motivate your crew to be proactive and take safety into their own hands. You need to make sure that your crew are on board and are taking the right steps to create a safety culture. 

Some steps you can take include:

It seems like an obvious one but poor communication can really hinder your efforts to create a safety culture. Having regular honest and open communication with your crew about why you’re talking about all things safety is the best way to help them understand the importance. 

The more transparent and clear you are, the more likely they will be to really take the new initiatives seriously. Make sure that your crew has easy access to your current health and safety guidelines so they can stay in the know about any changes. 

Support your staff
Site safety isn’t just about incidents on your site, it’s also about being a supportive employer who ensures their people are feeling safe and secure when they come to work every day. Make sure that the physical health, mental health and even emotional health of your people is a factor for how you manage them. Those working in construction and trades like other sections of society are  at risk of depression, stress, or anxiety as well. 

If you are taking steps to improve your site safety culture, make sure you factor in both physical and mental health awareness in all that you do for your staff. By providing resources and establishing an environment where your crew feels respected and safe to open up and express themselves you’ll be able to create a support system where you can look after each other’s wellbeing and mental health. 

Ensuring that your crew are trained up on all the correct licenses, procedures and health and safety practices is a sure fire way to make sure that they are fully knowledgeable on correct procedures. With the right training in place, you can have confidence that they know how to safely and correctly perform their jobs. 

Be a leader
We’ve all experienced bad leadership before, and that if they don’t care about something, it’s highly unlikely you will either. So, if your crew sees that you don’t take health and safety seriously, you’re out of luck getting them to foster a culture of site safety.  

You need to walk the walk before you talk the talk. Demonstrate to your crew the importance of following health and safety standards by doing them yourself. They’re a whole lot more likely to follow your example than just take your word for it. 

You need to set the tone with your crew that reporting incidents isn’t something they need to feel anxious or uncomfortable about doing. Make it clear that they won’t get in any trouble for making a report but instead see it as a way of finding out what caused the accident or injury and what can be done to make sure it won’t happen again. By making proper reporting a core element of your crew’s job responsibilities it can become second nature to them. 

Make it a team effort
Site safety impacts everyone, so it makes sense that your crew should have a hand in shaping their site’s culture. The more input they have, the more likely they are to follow precautions. 

By having regular health and safety chats with your crew, you can give them the opportunity to voice their own safety concerns and opinions. By having open conversations and allowing input from your crew you’re giving them the ability to implement safety measures that affect their own jobs, ultimately making them more likely to follow processes and encourage others to do the same.

If you have any questions please reach out to the HazardCo team today

HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or principal contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obligation to make sure your team has access to first aid equipment and facilities, as well as access to trained first aiders.

To determine the necessary level for your workplace, assess the site by considering:

Don’t forget to involve your workers in the process and if you are working with multiple trades, or are the principal contractor, you should share information and work together cooperatively.

First Aid Kits 

Having a first aid kit on a construction site is essential to quickly address injuries and medical emergencies. Great kits can be sourced from many places – a basic kit should include equipment t to tend to:


Basic first aid kits are not always enough given the nature of construction work and increased risk of eye injury, cuts, falls etc, so you’ll need to consider what other equipment to add e.g. eye pads, eyewash, additional dressings and bandages.

Include your team and see if they think your first aid kit is sufficient for the site hazards and team size… and make sure they know who the trained first aider is and where the first aid kit is kept! It helps if your first aid kit is clearly labeled and is made from a material that can protect the contents from dust, moisture and contamination. 

 Lastly, assign someone to be in charge of replenishing the kit. Make sure this happens regularly and keep a list of what’s supposed to be in the kit to make topping it up easier. At the same time, check training is up to date for your first aiders, and if your team size has changed, whether you still have enough team members trained in first aid.

 Keeping first aid up to date is the right thing to do by your team, so make sure you’ve got things covered and that you’re all prepared if any sort of injury takes place.


If you have any questions please contact the HazardCo team today.

Did you know that if you’re carrying out renovation work the same risks apply as a new build? Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovating, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs or you’re engaging contractors for the work, HazardCo have you covered. 

You will firstly need to think about how you will manage health and safety on-site and how you will communicate this with other people involved in the build, such as the homeowner, or other contractors on-site. This will ensure that everyone is on top of the site hazards and practicing good health and safety during your build. 

HazardCo Projects 

A HazardCo Project is ordered for each significant job, such as a new house build or large renovation. They contain site-specific resources for that job, including:


How can you determine whether you need to order a HazardCo Project?

Have a read of the following 5 areas, if you meet these requirements a Project could be needed. 


Even if none or only some of the above 5 areas apply, the HazardCo app and hub can still be used effectively outside of ordering a project. So keep reading.

Using HazardCo to manage health and safety

We recommend that you use the HazardCo App and Hub to manage your on-site health and safety. Here are our tips to get the most out of the HazardCo system:


Lastly, sometimes renovation projects can be unique and you may still feel unsure about whether you should order a project or how the HazardCo system can help you to manage Health and Safety effectively. So give us a call and we can chat about your upcoming works and how HazardCo may work best for you. So don’t be shy – get in touch with us and we’ll help you make your site a safer one.


When it comes to construction sites, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone on-site is the top priority. It’s more than just wearing hard hats and high-vis vests. It involves careful planning and preparation of the specific needs, hazards and risks of each project. That’s where Site-Specific Safety Plans (SSSPs) come into play.

A SSSP sets out the arrangements on how certain health and safety matters are managed on-site. A SSSP is designed to keep everyone informed on site specific details. It includes:

When do I need a SSSP?

All construction projects need a SSSP. A construction project is when the cost of your job reaches a certain value and it is the Principal Contractor’s responsibility to have a SSSP in  place before the project begins.

Setting up health and safety with HazardCo Projects is quick and simple. All you need to do is log in to the HazardCo Hub and “create a Project”. You receive the completed SSSP straight away while the physical scan-in board will be sent out for you to display on-site.

Not only does HazardCo’s Project save you time at the start of your project, it saves time for everyone on the site. Once the project starts, everyone entering the site inducts themselves on-site using the QR code on the site scan-in board, and the QR scanner in the free HazardCo App. That’s right, everyone inducts themselves using their smartphone, no lengthy induction meetings or paperwork required, and you get a record of every completed induction too.

It’s important to get everyone on board – including your subbies

Make sure you request a SWMS from each of your contractors so you can check they have included all the relevant hazards and controls in your SSSP. This will help ensure you and others on site are well informed of all the hazards from start to end of the project.

Share the SSSP with the team. Anyone scanning into the site using your QR code and the HazardCo App will have immediate access. Every worker who sets foot on-site needs to know and understand the SSSP. This can be done during the site induction, where the workers learn about the project, potential hazards, and safety protocols, which they can do using the App. If you need more information on working with contractors you can check out this blog.

Why go digital?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a SSSP, using digital tools like HazardCo can offer great time saving and streamlining benefits. Among many other benefits of using HazardCo, using it for SSSP means that you have:

Going digital with the HazardCo App means information flows more efficiently and this allows your teams to better collaborate with one another.

So, whether you’re building a multi-dwelling residential, a new build or doing a big reno, remember: safety first, always. And with a solid SSSP in place, you’re one step closer to a successful and safe construction project.

For health and safety sorted in a flash, right from the very start of your new build, look no further than HazardCo Projects. It’s the smart way to maintain a safe site and have more time to focus on the job at hand.

If you would like to discuss your upcoming project please give our team a call on 1800 954 702.


Long gone are the days of “she’ll be right mate”. Staying on top of your health and safety makes your site safer – simple as that. We all want our team members to get home safely at the end of the day, and now there are smart systems to help you to get the job done there and then, without fuss or delay.

HazardCo was created with this in mind – because it’s all online, you make updates in real-time from anywhere on-site, all from the palm of your hand. The HazardCo App allows you to complete a SWMS, site review, toolbox meeting or incident report, all on your smartphone – so it’s done straight away. No delays, no forgetting details, you can even take photos so you capture everything you need to. Taking a smart approach to your workplace health and safety and staying on top of updates, can be a real weight off the shoulders.

The HazardCo App is free for everyone to complete their initial site induction, and to scan in/out of site every day. Because they’re on the App whenever they walk on to site, health and safety is kept top of mind – a key part of creating a safer site. An added bonus, If one of your crew or subbies were to sign up and become a HazardCo member, you can also get a copy of all of their on-site safety activity, giving you the complete picture. When you have a safer site, everyone can keep working at full speed, and your project isn’t slowed down by injuries hampering your team or the wider crew. It’s a complete win-win.

Do the right thing by your people and prioritise health and safety on-site. HazardCo is all about making health and safety quick and easy, without cutting any corners – helping you to protect your people and your business for the longer term.

The reality is unsafe work at heights can have devastating consequences. Falls from heights are one of the leading causes of fatalities and injuries in the construction industry within Australia. Preventing falls should be actively managed so that people working at heights are kept safe.


Plan Ahead: Before you start a job, figure out what could go wrong

Identifying a task that could lead to a fall is the first step to keeping people safe.   Before commencing, put in place the highest level of protection possible to prevent falls.

Consider how long the job will take: The duration of the job will impact how you select the level of protection. If the job is ongoing, the structures chosen need to remain stable throughout the job. You may need to reassess things like ladders and scaffolds throughout the job.

Use hierarchy of controls to prevent falls  

The hierarchy of controls outlines the various controls in order from the highest level of protection to the lowest level of protection. Select the safest, most appropriate control measure from the below hierarchy to prevent injuries or fatalities from falls from heights on your site.

Work on the ground or solid construction

If you can avoid working at height it should be your first option and is always the safest option. Some examples of eliminating the fall risk include using long-handled tools, relocating the task to the ground, and using extension poles for tools.

Use fall-prevention measures

If working from a height is necessary, you need to manage the risk of a fall. Fall prevention measures could be something like an elevated work platform, scaffolding, or guard railing.

Use a work positioning system

Check if a work positioning system like a travel restraint system can be used. A travel restraint system enables a person to work in a way that prevents the person from falling e.g. fixed-length lanyards and static line systems 

Use a fall arrest system 

Check if a fall arrest system like an industrial safety net, a catch platform or safety harness can be used. This system doesn’t prevent the fall but arrests the fall so you don’t come into contact with the ground e.g. shock absorber on lanyard or anchor point. 

Ladder use

It may be appropriate to use a ladder. Ladders do not provide fall protection and as such should only be looked at as a last option when selecting the level of protection.  Ladders should only be used for short duration works such as changing a light bulb or paint touch-ups.

Below is a great image from WorkSafe Victoria which has summarised the hierarchy of control measures for the prevention of falls. Click on the image below to view

Important: Where high-risk construction work includes a risk of a person falling more than 2 metres (3 metres in South Australia), a safe work method statement (SWMS) must be developed prior to work commencing. 


Need more information?

Seek professional assistance

Working at height can often be high risk and there are experts  who make it their job to complete this work safely. It is often safer and more cost-effective to use height specialists even for shorter jobs. 

Make sure everyone knows what to do

Give your workers all the info they need to stay safe.. Conduct toolbox talks and remind them  the importance of procedures and completing a SWMS (when required). Encourage them to watch out for each other and speak up if something doesn’t seem right. 

Consistency is key

It’s important you and your team are actively involved in ensuring any heights related work is carried out in the safest way possible. 


There are various WorkSafe / SafeWork websites, resources, and support tools on managing the risk of falls. Some examples include:


Need Help?

If you’ve got a question about working at height or any other health and safety matter, the HazardCo Advisory Team is here to help. Give them a call on 1800 954 702.

For building companies, scalability isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a necessity. Paul Dugdale of ARCA and Dale Spencer of Southern Ocean Building and Consulting (SOBAC), are shedding light on the importance of systems and technology when it comes to running an efficient, successful building company. Let’s dig into some key lessons from these experts. 

Lesson 1: Find the right people 

Getting the right people on board and equipping them with the right tools and systems is the first step in scaling your business. To do this, identify bottlenecks in your existing processes and work out how to relieve these through either automation, delegation, or elimination. Being proactive and identifying what the critical points are in your business and making sure these run smoothly is a great way to make your business more efficient. 

Lesson 2: Get on top of your financial forecasting 

Knowing exactly where you are and if you are on track (or not) with your budgets is key to making sure your business succeeds. Being able to forecast to identify any problems, allows you to make changes to manage these. The best way to do this is to use integrated software that gives you oversight across your business and can also make financial forecasting more efficient which saves you time and frees you up to work on other parts of your business. 

Lesson 3: Systemise your business

At the heart of scalability lies the ability to use software and systems to improve efficiency. The key is to use simple systems that offer both high-level overviews and can also easily drill down into the details, empowering the right people to make informed decisions quickly and easily. 

Lesson 4: Embrace the suffering

Running a business is hard! And even our experts admit that there’s always something that pops up to keep you on your toes. Having the confidence to know that whatever tomorrow brings because you have created strong and resilient systems in your business you will be able to deal with those problems, gain knowledge from them and create a strategy to fix them, will mean that you will continue to build a successful business. 

Remember you can’t do it all so finding the right way to do it is the key to success. 


Watch the full video to discover the systems and integrations that Paul and Dale have used to successfully scale and take their business to the next level.

The holiday season is almost upon us, and we’re all eager to have a bit of a rest, recharge, and spend quality time with our families. As we wind up 2024, it is a demanding time for constructi...
When you have an incident on-site, whether it’s a near miss, an injury, or a work-related illness, it’s important to document an incident report. Incident reports don’t need to be time-cons...
Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electri...
Two workers using a ipad to fill out incident report on site
Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to SafeWork Australia, in the construction industry alone there were 15,877 s...
person giving first aid to injured workers hand
HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or principal contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obli...
renovating a bathroom before and after shot
Did you know that if you’re carrying out renovation work the same risks apply as a new build? Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovating, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs or...
When it comes to construction sites, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone on-site is the top priority. It’s more than just wearing hard hats and high-vis vests. It involves careful pl...
  Long gone are the days of “she’ll be right mate”. Staying on top of your health and safety makes your site safer - simple as that. We all want our team members to get home safely at ...
The reality is unsafe work at heights can have devastating consequences. Falls from heights are one of the leading causes of fatalities and injuries in the construction industry within Austral...
For building companies, scalability isn't just a buzzword – it's a necessity. Paul Dugdale of ARCA and Dale Spencer of Southern Ocean Building and Consulting (SOBAC), are shedding light on the...
Running a safe site isn’t just about wearing hard hats and harnesses; it’s about effective communication and staying aware of what’s going on on-site. One of the most powerful tools is the hum...
We all know subcontractors need to complete their SWMS before starting any high-risk construction work but did you know that as the principal contractor, you also need to ensure that a SWMS ha...