
Health and safety regulators in New Zealand, are WorkSafe (the main regulator) Maritime NZ, and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is here to work with you, and your workers, to keep everyone safe and healthy. Their goal is simple: to ensure that New Zealand businesses are safe and healthy places to be. 

Visits to your workplace can be either pre-arranged or unannounced. Inspectors are allowed by law to show up at any reasonable time, regardless of whether or not you’re there. So, what should you expect when they come a-knocking? 

Typically being inspected by WorkSafe follows a four-step process: 

Step 1: Conversation

A friendly chat isn’t that scary, right? When the WorkSafe inspector first arrives, they’ll sit down with you and have a conversation. This discussion is a two-way street where they’ll want to learn about your business, the risks you have, and the steps you’re taking to minimise them. It’s also a great chance for you to ask any questions you may have. 

If there’s nothing urgent that catches their attention, the inspector will typically focus on areas aligned with WorkSafe’s current KPI’s, as outlined in their latest strategy.


Worksafe has outlined three key areas of focus in their strategy:

Step 2: Observation

Following the chat, the inspector will take a walk around your worksite to see if what they’ve heard from you matches up with what they actually see happening. The best thing that you can be during this, is curious. It may feel uncomfortable at times and that’s ok, discomfort just means that there’s space to grow. You’ll know you’re nailing it when it’s just a comfy casual coffee walk around.

Step 3: Examination

If the inspector sees anything concerning during their walkabout, they will follow up with you to dig deeper, understand the root cause, and work out how it can be resolved.

When this happens, they will ask you a range of questions. To keep it simple, focus on the actual question being asked and remind yourself “respond, don’t react”. No matter what they point out, their questions will essentially boil down to these three:

It’s okay if you need clarification – Never feel like you can’t ask them to clarify a question further for you so that you can give them the most accurate answers you can. And if you don’t have an answer right away, it’s perfectly fine to say “I’ll come back to you with that”. Write the question down, involve your team, and follow up with the requested information. This shows the inspector that you have systems in place and are actively using them to ensure safety. 

Step 4: Documentation

At this stage, the inspector might ask to see what kind of systems and processes you keep. This could include anything from your worker’s licenses or training certificates, machine maintenance logs, to incident reports. The focus will be on whether your records and systems support good health and safety practices for your worksite, workers and business. 

That’s where your HazardCo records can make a big difference! Having a clear  history of Risk Assessments, Task Analysis, Site Reviews and Toolbox Talks can go a long way in showing that you are proactive about workplace safety. 

If the inspector does find an issue, you’ll discuss together what needs to be done to address it.
The three main outcomes that may be issued by an inspector are as follows:

As mentioned earlier, you’ll know you’re on the right track when your interaction with the inspector doesn’t feel like an argument but more like a constructive discussion. The goal is to leave the conversation with a clear understanding of how your “referee” wants to call the game, while the inspector walks away knowing that your business isn’t one of the ones driving New Zealand’s harm statistics.

Using HazardCo can make this even easier—cutting your health and safety admin time in half while guiding you through the steps needed to keep your crew and business safe.

If you have any questions or need support, don’t hesitate to call us at HazardCo on 0800 555 339. We’re here to help!

The holiday season is over and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things. Coming back to work and reopening your site is just as important as shutting it down. The New Year is the perfect opportunity to refocus and set the tone for the year ahead. Coming back to work after a couple of weeks off can give some people a serious case of Mondayitis, so consider taking the following steps on the first day back:


Rather than diving straight into work, start with a kick-off toolbox talk. This is an essential step to rebrief your team on the SSSP (Site-Specific Safety Plan) and emergency procedures. Use this time to check that all workers are fit for work and mentally prepared after the break.

Perform a site review to identify any new hazards or potential risks that may have emerged during the downtime. Check that fences are still secure and containers are locked.

After a break, it’s crucial to ensure all structures and scaffolds are intact. Inspect scaffolds, check excavations, and assess other infrastructure that may have been affected by weather conditions during your time off. Ensure everything is in working order before resuming normal operations.

Before use, inspect all tools and equipment to confirm they are in good condition. It’s also vital to pre-start mobile plant to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

Consider a soft start to your operations. Allow your team the time to properly check their work areas, inspect equipment, and remind everyone that safety is the number one priority. This includes keeping in mind workers don’t overheat after spending the last couple of weeks in air conditioning, relaxing, and indulging. They may not be acclimatised to working in the heat.

As the weather heats up, so can risk on-site. Make sure that workers are provided with adequate protection from working in the heat so that they can do their work safely and comfortably. Here are some steps to help mitigate these risks:

If temperatures are dangerously high, it’s sometimes best to stop work until conditions improve. Consider shifting physical tasks to machinery for tasks such as lifting or digging, reducing the exposure to extreme heat.

Safety is a shared responsibility. Encourage your team to keep an eye on each other and to report any symptoms of heat stress. Prevention is key, but swift action can prevent more severe conditions from developing. For the early stages of heat-related illness, first aid can often be effective, but you should always seek medical assistance if in doubt, or if the person’s symptoms are severe. Symptoms to look out for are:


Be prepared this summer and make sure to keep the health, safety, and well-being of workers front of mind. Refer to the below resources for more information:

If you have any questions you can contact our Advisory Team on 0800 555 339.

The holiday season is almost upon us and we’re all eager to have a bit of a rest, recharge, and spend quality time with our families. As we wind up 2024, it’s a demanding time as we try to complete jobs before the holiday shutdown. This can make it tempting to take shortcuts, however, it can also lead to an increase in incidents, with the last two months of the year seeing a spike in workplace incidents.

Common factors can include time pressure, working in the heat, and fatigue. It’s important to keep the health, safety, and well-being of workers front of mind.

It’s necessary to start preparing for the holiday shutdown so you don’t have any interruptions during your break or come to a nasty surprise on your first day back.

Unsecured areas could be hazardous to members of the public, especially children. Children are unaware of the dangers so keeping them out and away from harm is key.

Being safe and secure is more than just locking the gates. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are dangerous areas fenced off from the public and the boundary secure?
    Make sure the area is securely fenced and all entrances are locked. Ensure your fencing is a sufficient height, at least 2m.
  2. Is clear signage present to warn people of danger?
    Make sure your Hazard Board is up to date listing the current hazards and your contact details are clearly visible in case something does pop up you can be contacted quickly. If you need to order a Project for your job this can be done through the HazardCo HUB
  3. Have steps been taken to prevent any unauthorised access, e.g. are all ladders removed or their rungs boarded so they can’t be used?
    Remove any temptation to access hazardous areas. Where practical, remove all ladders, equipment and machinery from the site, including scaffolding and excavation ladders, or block access.
  4. Are excavations and openings securely covered, fenced off, or backfilled?
    Cover and fence off any excavations to prevent potential falls. Where practical backfilling excavations is recommended.
  5. Is all plant immobilised to prevent unauthorised use?
    If you are unable to remove your vehicles or plant from the area, make sure it is left securely, preferably out of sight, with the keys removed.
  6. Are materials safely stacked and secured?
    Ensure materials are safely stacked and stored so they can’t topple or be knocked over.
  7. Are all flammable or dangerous substances locked away in secure storage places?
    Lock up your hazardous substances in secure storage appropriate for the type of substances being stored. Where possible remove hazardous substances from the site.
  8. Are temporary structures stable and able to withstand bad weather conditions?
    Check any temporary structures such as scaffolding and barriers to ensure they are secure and stable. Taking into consideration the changing weather.
  9. Has the mains power been switched off?
    Make sure wherever possible, temporary or mains power supply and switchboards are switched off and locked out.
  10. Do unwanted materials and waste need to be removed?
    A quick clean-up can make a big difference. Make sure you remove all waste and empty skip bins.

Download our Site Security Checklist for a comprehensive list.

Some other things to consider

Taking the time to prepare for the holiday shutdown period can help to make sure you get to spend uninterrupted time with your family and friends.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your Health and Safety please give our Advisory team a call on 0800 555 339 or email info@hazardco.com.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable break over the holiday season!

When you have an incident on-site, whether it’s a near miss, an injury, or a work-related illness, it’s important to document an incident report.

Incident reports don’t need to be time-consuming,  lengthy or use fancy health and safety terms, you just need to describe what happened in your own words so you have a record of the incident. You can use the incident report to help explain what happened to others, such as your direct team on-site, contractors,  other Employers, or the Main Contractor.  

What is an incident report?

An incident report is the process of recording incidents on-site, such as near misses, injuries, illnesses and plant/property damage. It involves documenting all the facts (known so far) related to the incident. 

Check out this blog on Managing and reporting incidents at work to learn more about what is considered an incident and why it’s both important and helpful to report incidents. 

How to complete an incident report:

Hit body on object example incident report

Hitting your body on an object is a very common example of an incident. For this incident report example, we will assume someone on-site has hit their body on a door frame and injured their shoulder.

Site Location

32 Dropsaw Lane, Wellington 6011

Date of Incident
2nd November 2024

People involved

Joe Hazard (injured)

Sam Small (witness)

Larry Large (witness)


Type of Incident

Damage ( equipment or property was damaged)

Security/Theft (site accessed unexpectedly or something was stolen)

Environment (Pollution or hazardous substance spill)

Near Miss (Something occurred but there was no harm caused)

✅ Injury (Someone was physically hurt)

Illness (Work-related illness)

Other (Something else happened)

Other (Something else happened)


Cause of Incident

This is where you select from the the list of causes what the main reason it happened was – In this case, it’s person vs object

Treatment received

First aid (performed on worksite)

✅ Medical Centre (Minor injury or illness)

Hospital (Major injury or illness)

Unsure (I’m not sure what treatment was given)

None (No treatment was required)


Type of injury

Select the category that best suits or select “other” to select your own, if you don’t know what type of injury happened you can also select “unknown”

Additional Information

Describe what happened –  List the facts that are known so far about the incident such as :

*what job or activity was being performed at the time.

*What plant, equipment or tools were being used

*What went wrong

*What was the injury or damage (or the potential)

*What happened immediately after the incident

Joe Hazard was carrying plywood through a doorway on-site when he hit his shoulder on the door frame. Joe felt immediate pain in his left shoulder and struggled to lift his arm above shoulder height. Joe informed Sam Small (Supervisor) immediately and agreed to go to the local medical centre for further assessment

Pictures speak a thousand words so don’t forget that you can upload scene photos or relevant information in picture form at this step in the app, and if there’s something that you don’t want forgotten you can also create a task.

This is an example of a simple incident report, find out more about what good incident reporting looks like. 

If you’re a HazardCo member, hit the Report an Incident button in the HazardCo App and follow the guided prompts to record the incident. Your membership includes 24/7 incident support, so if you need some extra help filling in the report, would like advice on if the incident is notifiable to the Regulator, or would just like to chat with an expert about how to communicate the incident to your team, we are here to help! 

Remember, when you have an incident on-site, writing an incident report is just one action you need to take. Learn more about what to do when you have an incident on site.

Every year we see serious injuries and incidents involving vehicles near the top of the data that WorkSafe releases. Needless to say, anything with wheels and an engine should be at the forefront of your mind on-site. 

From delivery trucks to excavators, if it moves, and it’s got some weight… then that means power!  it’s going to cause some damage if it isn’t controlled.  So always keep safety in mind!

Keep pedestrians and vehicles apart
Separate the two wherever you can with careful planning at the design and set up stages.

Minimise vehicle movements
Provide car and van parking away from the work area if possible. Also control entry points, and plan storage areas, so that vehicles don’t need to cross the site where people are.

Turning and reversing vehicles
A spotter wearing high-vis clothing should guide the driver who can’t see clearly behind their vehicle. Mirrors, reversing, warning alarms, sensors and cameras can also make all the difference.

People on-site
When untrained workers drive vehicles without authority, you’re in trouble. Always manage the training and access of drivers to your vehicles, including those visiting.

The more the better, just make sure it stands out in the right way. From on-site lighting to aids for drivers (mirrors, CCTV cameras and reversing alarms) to hi-vis clothing for those on the ground. Find out more about the use of hi-vis clothing on-site in our blog here.

Accidents are preventable when risk is managed. How do you manage risk? You get a plan – a good one.

Traffic management plans

A traffic management plan documents and helps explain how risks will be managed. This might include details of: 

Every site is different, but your plan should be monitored and reviewed regularly. It should also be adapted when there are changes to your work situation. 

If you have any questions get in touch with the HazardCo team today

Emergencies and natural disasters can happen any time. Although you can’t predict when they will happen, you can take actions to make your business more prepared.

Do you and your workers know what to do if a disaster strikes?
An emergency plan is a health and safety requirement necessary for keeping everyone safe, and not having one is a big risk for your business and your workers. 

Your emergency plan should include the following:

What to consider when making an emergency plan:

When working out your emergency plan, you must take into account:

Maintaining and testing emergency plans:

A well-maintained emergency plan should be reviewed and updated when:

Testing your emergency plan is important to ensure it works:

Worker Engagement
Involve workers in emergency planning and decisions. All workers should know who is responsible for activating and coordinating emergency procedures and what they must do to keep themselves and others safe in an emergency.

First Aid Kits and Fire Extinguishers 

Having first aid kits and fire extinguishers readily available ensures that workers can quickly address emergencies, potentially saving lives and preventing extensive property damage.

Sort your safety with an Emergency Box for your work vehicle or fixed to your wall at your site! Our Emergency Boxes are designed to provide the essentials for an emergency situation in all types of workplaces. 

Not only will they help to keep health and safety front and centre but having a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, air horn, and emergency plan right at your fingertips will keep you covered in case of any unexpected incidents.

To order, call us on 0800 555 339 or email info@hazardco.com.

Keeping you and your workmates safe at work is a top priority, so it’s important to understand what your business needs for an effective emergency plan. Make sure you’re aware of these requirements to help keep everyone safe!

If you would like more information, get in touch with our friendly HazardCo team – we’re always happy to help!

Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electricity is used to keep everyone safe. 

Because we use electricity differently across a site there are different ways to help manage the risks. 

Residual current devices (RCDs) 

All hand-held appliances, lights, and electrical equipment used on-site must have protection in place against electric shock This can be done simply by connecting all electrical equipment through an RCD. 

An RCD continuously monitors the electric current flowing along a circuit and disconnects the electricity supply if a fault is detected, reducing the risk of electric shock. 

There are three types of RCD:

Fixed at the switchboard

A switchboard RCD is the most effective option. It protects all the wiring and appliances on that circuit. This must be installed by a licensed electrician.

Built into the powerpoint

A socket-outlet RCD is built into a standard powerpoint and protects equipment plugged into it. A licensed electrician is required for installation.


A portable RCD can be moved between powerpoints as needed. There are a few different types of portable RCD: 

No electrician is needed – you can buy a portable RCD at a hardware shop or electrical equipment supplier, just make sure they are fit for commercial use. Both portable and non-portable RCDs should be tested daily.


Keep you and your team safe while working around electricity by checking your RCD (using the test button) daily before use. Get RCDs tested by a trained and competent person regularly, at least every three months.

Leads & Cords

Leads and cords are easily damaged, particularly those connected to equipment that is often moved. To protect them: 

Check out our one-pager on Electrical Safety. You can print and display this at work, helping everyone manage electrical shock risks on-site.

During regular Site Reviews using the HazardCo App, check that RCDs and all electrical equipment are in good condition and have been tested and tagged. Electrical equipment should be tested and tagged every 3 months for construction, every 6 months for manufacturing, and every 12 months for low-use spaces such as offices.

For any questions or support, contact HazardCo and speak to one of our Health and Safety Advisors on 0800 555 339.

Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to WorkSafe New Zealand’s 2022 – 2023 data, the construction industry had 6,240 injuries which resulted in more than a week off work. In that same year, there were 11 deaths. Construction and trades make up a significant portion of incidents and injuries at work and when you think about not only the cost of life but the time off, loss of productivity and money spent on rehabilitation it adds up to a pretty staggered sum.  

From 2022 – 2023 there were 586 Notifiable incidents and 604 Notifiable injuries or work-related illnesses. With numbers like this, we need to help you find a way to improve the health and safety culture so you can make sure it’s safe and profitable as well. 

The signs of poor health and safety
If you’re concerned that your health and safety policies and procedures aren’t being followed or maybe not quite up to scratch, there are a number of things you can keep your eyes peeled for: 

So, how do you get your crew on board?
When it comes down to it, creating a culture of site safety isn’t as easy as putting new procedures in place and calling it a job well done – it’s up to you to involve and motivate your crew to be proactive and take safety into their own hands. 

Some steps you can take include:

It seems like an obvious one but poor communication can really affect your efforts to create a safety culture. Having regular open communication with your crew about why you’re talking about all things safety is the best way to help them understand the importance. 

The more transparent and clear you are, the more likely they will be to action any new initiatives. Make sure that your crew has easy access to your current health and safety guidelines so they can stay in the know about any changes. 

Support your staff
If you are taking steps to improve your site safety culture, make sure you factor in both physical and mental health awareness in all that you do for your staff. By providing resources and establishing an environment where your crew feels respected and safe to open up and express themselves you’ll be able to create a support system where you can look after each other’s wellbeing and mental health. 

Ensuring that your crew are trained up on all the correct licenses, procedures and health and safety practices is a surefire way to make sure that they are fully knowledgeable on procedures. With the right training in place, you can have confidence that they know how to safely perform their jobs. 

Be a leader

If your crew see you leading by example and taking health and safety seriously, they are more likely to as well. So lead from the front and be the one to start those open conversations about what’s going on on-site.

You need to set the tone with your crew that reporting incidents isn’t something they need to feel anxious or uncomfortable about doing. Make it clear that reporting is a way of finding out what caused the accident or injury and what can be done to make sure it won’t happen again. By making proper reporting a core element of your crew’s job responsibilities it can become second nature to them. 

Make it a team effort
Site safety impacts everyone, so it makes sense that your crew should have a hand in shaping their site’s culture. The more input they have, the more likely they are to follow precautions. 

By having regular health and safety chats with your crew, you can give them the opportunity to voice their own safety concerns and opinions. By having open conversations and allowing input from your crew you’re giving them the ability to implement safety measures that affect their own jobs, ultimately making them more likely to follow processes and encourage others to do the same.

If you have any questions reach out to the HazardCo Team today 

Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovations, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs, or you are engaging contractors or have the clients living/working on-site, HazardCo can help. 

First, you will need to think about how you will manage health and safety on-site and how you will communicate this with other people involved, such as the homeowner, or other contractors on-site. This will make sure that everyone is on top of the site hazards and practicing good health and safety during your project. 

HazardCo Projects

A HazardCo Project contains site-specific resources for that job, including:

You can also open up the App for all your contractors when they are on-site by upgrading to Project Plus – talk to the team for more information. 

How can you determine whether you need to order a HazardCo Project?

If you meet any of the following requirements a Project could be needed. 


If none of the above apply, you will need a Team Pack Plus

The Team Pack Plus is designed for those who move regularly from job to job and are not usually managing larger projects. These are great for managing client inductions and safety procedures while on the go. Our Team Pack includes:


How HazardCo can help

We recommend that you use the HazardCo App and Hub to manage your on-site health and safety. At the beginning of each day, complete a Risk Assessment on the HazardCo App. This will help identify that the work area is safe and make sure that you have the correct controls in place. Due to the nature of renovation work it is important that you consider noise and dust (examples; asbestos, silica and wood) and how you control these risks. A Task Analysis (TA) should be completed for all high-risk work. You can find out more information on completing Task Analyses by clicking here.

At the end of each day, make sure that you tidy up the work area and make sure  that everything is made safe. If the work area cannot be entered after hours due to work or health and safety risks then this should be clearly communicated to your client.  We recommend that this is also documented to them via an email or text message so you have evidence that this has been communicated.

Remember to use the HazardCo App to report any incidents on your site and the task function to report hazards. 

Also, remember to record your Toolbox Meetings with your team. We recommend that you complete at least 2 Toolbox Meetings per site, per month. This demonstrates good consultation and communication with your team. 

If you have any questions about your renovation work, give our friendly HazardCo Team a call. As part of your membership, you have 24/7 incident support and advisory support during business hours via 0800 555 339, so don’t be shy – get in touch with us and we’ll help you make your site a safer one

Tools, vehicles, and heavy equipment all create vibrations that can affect your body. This is a normal part of any tradie’s day, whether you’re picking up power tools or jumping in the truck. It’s so common that many don’t realize the potential harm these vibrations can cause. However, it’s something you should start thinking about and being aware of.

How are workers harmed?

Vibrations are a natural part of working on any construction site but they do create a risk to you and your workers. Repeatedly using vibrating hand and power tools, or being around vibrating vehicles and machines can lead to serious and lasting harm to your blood vessels, nerves, and joints. Many of the most commonly used items give off some form of vibration. Here are  the most common ways tradies are exposed to vibrations:

While these are the most common forms of exposure, the below should also be considered as they increase the risk of overexposure to vibrations:


Early warning signs 

We understand that for many tradies, working with vibrations is a natural and unavoidable part of the job. With that in mind, there are a few warning signs and symptoms of overexposure to keep an eye out for: 

If you are continually exposed to vibrations especially in your hands and arms you can develop hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Hand showing effects of bad vibrations and symptoms of HAVS

What you can do to manage risk

It is up to everyone on-site to look out for each other. Consultation with your team should take place to make sure an environment can be created where excessive exposure to vibrations are eliminated when possible or minimised when they can’t be avoided.

Below are simple yet effective ways to either eliminate or minimise the effects. 


Above all else, be aware that vibrations can be extremely harmful, especially when you’re exposed for lengthy periods of time. 

Your best tool for minimising the effects of vibrations is to start a conversation with your boss, or your team, and put steps in place to look out for each other and your equipment. 


Worksafe resources: https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/topic-and-industry/vibration/ 

Construction worker walking towards a crane
Health and safety regulators in New Zealand, are WorkSafe (the main regulator) Maritime NZ, and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is here to work with you, and your workers, to keep everyone ...
Construction worker wiping brow looking fatigued
The holiday season is over and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things. Coming back to work and reopening your site is just as important as shutting it down. The New Year is the per...
fenced construction site to keep the site safe
The holiday season is almost upon us and we’re all eager to have a bit of a rest, recharge, and spend quality time with our families. As we wind up 2024, it’s a demanding time as we try to com...
person holding injured arm
When you have an incident on-site, whether it’s a near miss, an injury, or a work-related illness, it’s important to document an incident report. Incident reports don’t need to be time-cons...
Images of large vehicles wheels
Every year we see serious injuries and incidents involving vehicles near the top of the data that WorkSafe releases. Needless to say, anything with wheels and an engine should be at the forefr...
Emergencies and natural disasters can happen any time. Although you can’t predict when they will happen, you can take actions to make your business more prepared. Do you and your workers kn...
worker testing RCDs
Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electri...
group of construction workers having a toolbox meeting on a site
Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to WorkSafe New Zealand’s 2022 - 2023 data, the construction industry had 6,2...
Split image of before and after renovations
Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovations, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs, or you are engaging contractors or have the clients living/working on-site, HazardCo can help....
Man breakign concrete causing bad vibrations to his hands and arms
Tools, vehicles, and heavy equipment all create vibrations that can affect your body. This is a normal part of any tradie's day, whether you're picking up power tools or jumping in the truck. ...
scaffolding tag to show the scaffolding is safe
Making sure your scaffolding is safe and ready for action is key. Here are the times you've got to give it a good once over:  After Installation: Right after it's set up. Every 7 Days:...
worker holding injured hand
What are Musculoskeletal Disorders? A musculoskeletal disorder is any pain felt in the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels or nerves. You can feel this pain in just one area of ...