Stop the Traffic: How to Manage Vehicles On-Site

There were 36 vehicle fatalities across New Zealand last year. Needless to say, anything with wheels and an engine should be at the forefront of your mind on site. 

From delivery trucks to excavators, if it moves, and it’s got some weight and power behind them, it’s going to cause some damage. 

The key vehicle issues

  • Keeping pedestrians and vehicles apart
    • Separate the two wherever you can with careful planning at the design stage.
  • Minimizing vehicle movements
    • Provide car and van parking away from the work area. Also control entry and plan storage areas so that vehicles don’t need to cross the site.
  • Turning and reversing vehicles
    • A spotter wearing high-vis clothing should guide the driver who can’t see clearly behind their vehicle. Mirrors, reversing, warning alarms, sensors and cameras can also make all the difference.
  • People on site
    • When untrained workers drive vehicles without authority, you’re in trouble. Always manage the training and activities of drivers, including those visiting.
  • Visibility 
    • The more the better. From on-site lighting to aids for drivers (mirrors, CCTV cameras and reversing alarms) to high-vis clothing for those on the ground.

Accidents are preventable when risk is managed. How do you manage risk? You get a plan – a good one.

Traffic management plans

A traffic management plan documents and helps explain how risks will be managed. This might include details of: 

  • Designated travel paths for vehicles including entry and exit points
  • Pedestrian and traffic routes
  • Designated delivery and loading/unloading areas
  • Travel paths on routes remote from the workplace, including places to turn around, dump material, access ramps and side roads
  • The responsibilities of people expected to interact with traffic onsite

Every site is different, but your plan should be monitored and reviewed regularly. It should also be adapted when there are changes to your work situation. 

#SortYourSafety today, save lives tomorrow. It really is as simple as that.

If you have any questions get in touch with the HazardCo team today