Renovating – What you need to have in place and how HazardCo can support you

Are you conducting renovations? Did you know that the same risks apply as a new build that you need to consider when it comes to health and safety on-site? Here’s the low-down on what you need to know.


Firstly,  think about how you will manage health and safety on-site and how you will communicate this with other people involved in the build, such as the homeowner, or other contractors on-site. This will ensure that everyone is on top of the site hazards and practicing good health and safety during your build. 


HazardCo Site Packs

A HazardCo Site Pack is ordered for each significant job, such as a new house build. They contain site-specific resources for that job, including:

  • A Site Specific Safety Plan , 
  • Scan in board with QR code for sign-in,
  • An optional site specific Hazard Board 


How can you determine whether you need to order a HazardCo Site Pack?



  • Are you the main contractor?

The main contractor should be the one that creates a Site Specific Safety Plan for that work, and this should be shared with all subcontractors involved. This will ensure workers are aware of the risks and hazards that are involved in the job at hand. Throughout the job, there should be ongoing communication between all parties, and the risks reviewed regularly on-site


  • How long will the renovation take?

Anything over 2 weeks should require a Site Pack, however, it will depend on the project that is being undertaken. If you are unsure, just give the HazardCo team a call on 1800 954 702and we will guide you through it.


  • Will you be making any structural changes?

Using a Site Specific Safety Plan will help identify the controls that will be put in place to manage this risk, generally, this type of work can take time, and therefore we recommend ordering a Site Pack and using the HazardCo App to assist your health and safety needs onsite.


  • Will you be engaging subcontractors?

If subcontractors are going to be engaged in the work, then a Site Pack will likely be needed, but this also depends on the type of work and length of the job. So if you’re unsure, just give us a call and we will be happy to assist.


  • How old is the building?

Any property built before the year 2000, could contain asbestos. Using a Site Specific Safety Plan helps identify the controls that will be put in place to manage this risk. We will go into more depth about the dangers of asbestos next week.


A few recommendations from HazardCo

We recommend that you use the HazardCo App and Hub to manage your on-site health and safety. At the beginning of each day, complete a Risk Assessment on the HazardCo App. This will help identify that the work area is safe and ensure that you have the correct controls in place for common construction hazards. Due to the nature of renovation work, It is important that you consider noise and dust and how you control these risks.


At the end of the day, make sure that you tidy up the work area and ensure that everything is made safe. If the work area cannot be entered after hours due to work or health and safety risks then this should be clearly communicated to your client.  We recommend that this is also documented to them via an email or text message so you have evidence that this has been communicated.


Remember to use the HazardCo App to report any incidents or near misses on your site. You will receive a confirmation email that will help guide you through the next steps.


Also, remember to record your Toolbox Meetings with your team. We recommend that you complete 2 Toolbox Meetings per site, per month. This demonstrates good consultation and communication with your team. 


If you have any questions about your renovation work, give our friendly HazardCo Team a call, so don’t be shy – get in touch with us and we’ll help you make your site a safer one.