
Emergencies and natural disasters can happen any time. Although you can’t predict when they will happen, you can take actions to make your business more prepared.

Do you and your workers know what to do if a disaster strikes?
An emergency plan is a health and safety requirement necessary for keeping everyone safe, and not having one is a big risk for your business and your workers. 

Your emergency plan should include the following:

What to consider when making an emergency plan:

When working out your emergency plan, you must take into account:

Maintaining and testing emergency plans:

A well-maintained emergency plan should be reviewed and updated when:

Testing your emergency plan is important to ensure it works:

Worker Engagement
Involve workers in emergency planning and decisions. All workers should know who is responsible for activating and coordinating emergency procedures and what they must do to keep themselves and others safe in an emergency.

First Aid Kits and Fire Extinguishers 

Having first aid kits and fire extinguishers readily available ensures that workers can quickly address emergencies, potentially saving lives and preventing extensive property damage.

Sort your safety with an Emergency Box for your work vehicle or fixed to your wall at your site! Our Emergency Boxes are designed to provide the essentials for an emergency situation in all types of workplaces. 

Not only will they help to keep health and safety front and centre but having a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, air horn, and emergency plan right at your fingertips will keep you covered in case of any unexpected incidents.

To order, call us on 0800 555 339 or email info@hazardco.com.

Keeping you and your workmates safe at work is a top priority, so it’s important to understand what your business needs for an effective emergency plan. Make sure you’re aware of these requirements to help keep everyone safe!

If you would like more information, get in touch with our friendly HazardCo team – we’re always happy to help!

Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electricity is used to keep everyone safe. 

Because we use electricity differently across a site there are different ways to help manage the risks. 

Residual current devices (RCDs) 

All hand-held appliances, lights, and electrical equipment used on-site must have protection in place against electric shock This can be done simply by connecting all electrical equipment through an RCD. 

An RCD continuously monitors the electric current flowing along a circuit and disconnects the electricity supply if a fault is detected, reducing the risk of electric shock. 

There are three types of RCD:

Fixed at the switchboard

A switchboard RCD is the most effective option. It protects all the wiring and appliances on that circuit. This must be installed by a licensed electrician.

Built into the powerpoint

A socket-outlet RCD is built into a standard powerpoint and protects equipment plugged into it. A licensed electrician is required for installation.


A portable RCD can be moved between powerpoints as needed. There are a few different types of portable RCD: 

No electrician is needed – you can buy a portable RCD at a hardware shop or electrical equipment supplier, just make sure they are fit for commercial use. Both portable and non-portable RCDs should be tested daily.


Keep you and your team safe while working around electricity by checking your RCD (using the test button) daily before use. Get RCDs tested by a trained and competent person regularly, at least every three months.

Leads & Cords

Leads and cords are easily damaged, particularly those connected to equipment that is often moved. To protect them: 

Check out our one-pager on Electrical Safety. You can print and display this at work, helping everyone manage electrical shock risks on-site.

During regular Site Reviews using the HazardCo App, check that RCDs and all electrical equipment are in good condition and have been tested and tagged. Electrical equipment should be tested and tagged every 3 months for construction, every 6 months for manufacturing, and every 12 months for low-use spaces such as offices.

For any questions or support, contact HazardCo and speak to one of our Health and Safety Advisors on 0800 555 339.

Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to WorkSafe New Zealand’s 2022 – 2023 data, the construction industry had 6,240 injuries which resulted in more than a week off work. In that same year, there were 11 deaths. Construction and trades make up a significant portion of incidents and injuries at work and when you think about not only the cost of life but the time off, loss of productivity and money spent on rehabilitation it adds up to a pretty staggered sum.  

From 2022 – 2023 there were 586 Notifiable incidents and 604 Notifiable injuries or work-related illnesses. With numbers like this, we need to help you find a way to improve the health and safety culture so you can make sure it’s safe and profitable as well. 

The signs of poor health and safety
If you’re concerned that your health and safety policies and procedures aren’t being followed or maybe not quite up to scratch, there are a number of things you can keep your eyes peeled for: 

So, how do you get your crew on board?
When it comes down to it, creating a culture of site safety isn’t as easy as putting new procedures in place and calling it a job well done – it’s up to you to involve and motivate your crew to be proactive and take safety into their own hands. 

Some steps you can take include:

It seems like an obvious one but poor communication can really affect your efforts to create a safety culture. Having regular open communication with your crew about why you’re talking about all things safety is the best way to help them understand the importance. 

The more transparent and clear you are, the more likely they will be to action any new initiatives. Make sure that your crew has easy access to your current health and safety guidelines so they can stay in the know about any changes. 

Support your staff
If you are taking steps to improve your site safety culture, make sure you factor in both physical and mental health awareness in all that you do for your staff. By providing resources and establishing an environment where your crew feels respected and safe to open up and express themselves you’ll be able to create a support system where you can look after each other’s wellbeing and mental health. 

Ensuring that your crew are trained up on all the correct licenses, procedures and health and safety practices is a surefire way to make sure that they are fully knowledgeable on procedures. With the right training in place, you can have confidence that they know how to safely perform their jobs. 

Be a leader

If your crew see you leading by example and taking health and safety seriously, they are more likely to as well. So lead from the front and be the one to start those open conversations about what’s going on on-site.

You need to set the tone with your crew that reporting incidents isn’t something they need to feel anxious or uncomfortable about doing. Make it clear that reporting is a way of finding out what caused the accident or injury and what can be done to make sure it won’t happen again. By making proper reporting a core element of your crew’s job responsibilities it can become second nature to them. 

Make it a team effort
Site safety impacts everyone, so it makes sense that your crew should have a hand in shaping their site’s culture. The more input they have, the more likely they are to follow precautions. 

By having regular health and safety chats with your crew, you can give them the opportunity to voice their own safety concerns and opinions. By having open conversations and allowing input from your crew you’re giving them the ability to implement safety measures that affect their own jobs, ultimately making them more likely to follow processes and encourage others to do the same.

If you have any questions reach out to the HazardCo Team today 

HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obligation to make sure your team has access to first aid equipment and facilities, as well as access to trained first aiders.

To determine the necessary level of first aid for your workplace, assess the site by considering:

Don’t forget to involve your workers in the process, and if you are working with multiple trades, or are the main contractor, you should share information and work together cooperatively.

First Aid Kits 

Having a kit on a construction site is essential to quickly address injuries and medical emergencies. Great first aid kits can be sourced from many places – a basic kit should at least include equipment to manage:

Basic first aid kits are not always enough given the nature of construction work and increased risk of eye injury, cuts, falls etc, so you’ll need to consider what other equipment to add e.g. eye pads, eyewash, additional dressings and bandages.

Include your team and see if they think your first aid kit is sufficient for the sites hazards and team size. Make sure they know who the trained first aider is and where the first aid kit is kept!  Make sure your first aid kit is clearly labeled and is made from a material that can protect the contents from dust, moisture and contamination. 

Lastly, assign someone to be in charge of replenishing the kit. Make sure this happens regularly and keep a list of what’s supposed to be in the kit to make topping it up easier. At the same time, check training is up to date for your first aiders, and if your team size has changed, whether you still have enough team members trained in first aid.

Keeping first aid up to date is the right thing to do by your team, so make sure you’ve got things covered and that you’re all prepared if any sort of injury takes place.


If you have any questions please get in touch with the HazardCo Team

WorkSafe recently published a report on Workplace harm and risk in New Zealand. The whopping 106-page report is packed with valuable information on the current state of safety and highlights areas that need improvement to create a safer environment for everyone. 

Our certified Health and Safety Advisor Evette has pulled out all the stuff you need to know and provided advice on the safety areas you should focus on to make the biggest impact. 


NZ trends in work-related fatalities and injuries

Most work-related fatalities and serious injuries happen in just a few industries. Unfortunately, construction makes the list, as does agriculture, forestry & fishing, manufacturing, and transport. 

Over the past two decades, there has been a significant decline in the rate of fatalities and serious non-fatal injuries, with the fatality rate dropping by more than half. However, the pace of improvement has slowed down in the last ten years. 

Between 2017 and 2021, New Zealand’s work-related fatality rate was still 40% higher than Australia’s, even after taking into account economic activity and employment differences. Although the comparison with Australia is worrying, it shows us there is potential to improve our fatality rates in NZ.

Infographic on each industries rates on work related harm

This graph shows the number of injuries that resulted in more than a week off work from 2022 to 2023. The injury rate accounts for the number of people working in the industry, rather than the total number of injuries. 

Construction has the highest rate of all sectors.  In other words, a construction worker heading out the door for the day has a higher chance of injury than someone working in a factory, driving a truck, working on a farm, or any other industry. 


Types of injury

When we look at workplace injuries, we can group them into five main categories:

  1. Sudden accidents: These are injuries that happen unexpectedly, often in industries like construction or manufacturing where the risk is high.
  2. Airborne risks and carcinogens: This is exposure to harmful dust or other contaminants in the air. In New Zealand, over half of the workforce is exposed to at least one carcinogen. Unfortunately, in some industries, workers face multiple risks, and safety measures aren’t always properly enforced, leading to serious health issues over time.
  3. Musculoskeletal risks: Jobs that involve heavy lifting, awkward positions, long periods of standing, or exposure to loud noise often lead to these kinds of injuries. These risks are especially common in physically demanding jobs.
  4. Work environment and organisation risks: Things like shift work and extreme temperatures can cause both physical and mental stress for workers.
  5. Psychosocial risks: High work demands, lack of job control, and negative behaviours like bullying or harassment are common across many industries.


The path forward

WorkSafe found that most serious injuries and deaths occur in just a few industries. To make these workplaces safer, it’s important to have strong safety measures in place. This means better safety rules (and enforcing them), providing proper training and resources for workers, and building a culture that values safety..

Here are some ways you can proactively create a safety culture on your site today: 

Lead by example: Take the initiative in promoting safety. Regularly demonstrate safe practices and make safety a priority in your daily tasks. Your actions will encourage others to follow suit.

Encourage open communication: Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable discussing safety concerns. Encourage team members to share their thoughts and ideas on how to improve safety on-site.

Regular safety meetings: Schedule regular safety meetings to discuss any potential hazards, recent incidents, and preventive measures. Use these meetings as a platform to reinforce the importance of communication and teamwork.

Encourage reporting: Make it easy and non-intimidating for workers to report safety issues or concerns. Let them know their input is valued and will be acted upon.

Collaborate on solutions: Involve workers and contractors in finding solutions to safety challenges. By working together, you can come up with practical and effective ways to improve safety on-site.

Set clear expectations: Clearly communicate safety expectations and procedures to all workers and contractors. Ensure everyone knows their role in maintaining a safe work environment.

Evaluate and improve: Continuously assess your safety communication practices. Identify areas where communication might be lacking and take steps to strengthen it.

When we all understand the biggest causes of work-related harm, we can work together to create a future where every worker in New Zealand has a safe and healthy place to work.

For more information, you can check out our Fostering a Culture of Safety blog or download our Simple Guide to Toolbox Meetings. 

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) wants to hear about your experiences with the work health and safety system – how you think it’s working now, what you think works well, and what you think should change. We will be submitting our feedback and we encourage you to share your experiences too! https://www.mbie.govt.nz/have-your-say/work-health-and-safety 

Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovations, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs, or you are engaging contractors or have the clients living/working on-site, HazardCo can help. 

First, you will need to think about how you will manage health and safety on-site and how you will communicate this with other people involved, such as the homeowner, or other contractors on-site. This will make sure that everyone is on top of the site hazards and practicing good health and safety during your project. 

HazardCo Projects

A HazardCo Project contains site-specific resources for that job, including:

You can also open up the App for all your contractors when they are on-site by upgrading to Project Plus – talk to the team for more information. 

How can you determine whether you need to order a HazardCo Project?

If you meet any of the following requirements a Project could be needed. 


If none of the above apply, you will need a Team Pack Plus

The Team Pack Plus is designed for those who move regularly from job to job and are not usually managing larger projects. These are great for managing client inductions and safety procedures while on the go. Our Team Pack includes:


How HazardCo can help

We recommend that you use the HazardCo App and Hub to manage your on-site health and safety. At the beginning of each day, complete a Risk Assessment on the HazardCo App. This will help identify that the work area is safe and make sure that you have the correct controls in place. Due to the nature of renovation work it is important that you consider noise and dust (examples; asbestos, silica and wood) and how you control these risks. A Task Analysis (TA) should be completed for all high-risk work. You can find out more information on completing Task Analyses by clicking here.

At the end of each day, make sure that you tidy up the work area and make sure  that everything is made safe. If the work area cannot be entered after hours due to work or health and safety risks then this should be clearly communicated to your client.  We recommend that this is also documented to them via an email or text message so you have evidence that this has been communicated.

Remember to use the HazardCo App to report any incidents on your site and the task function to report hazards. 

Also, remember to record your Toolbox Meetings with your team. We recommend that you complete at least 2 Toolbox Meetings per site, per month. This demonstrates good consultation and communication with your team. 

If you have any questions about your renovation work, give our friendly HazardCo Team a call. As part of your membership, you have 24/7 incident support and advisory support during business hours via 0800 555 339, so don’t be shy – get in touch with us and we’ll help you make your site a safer one

It’s important for young people starting out in construction to understand how to stay safe at work. Young workers lack experience and might not know about all the hazards yet, which could put them in danger of getting hurt. Sometimes young people might feel like they have to impress others, or they might think they’re better at the job than they actually are, they may also forget about safety rules or be afraid to speak up if something seems unsafe. Because of this young workers have additional needs and should be supervised when working on-site. 

Positive safety culture onsite comes from the top down, supervisors should be actively modeling and training young workers about safety rules, make sure they have the right gear, and encourage them to speak up if they see any problems. 

There are some jobs that young workers shouldn’t do because they might not have enough experience or strength yet. Supervisors need to make sure young people can handle their tasks and keep an eye on them until they are sure they are able to do the work safely. Young workers also need to think about their own safety, listen to instructions and follow safety rules.

When everyone works together to stay safe, it helps make sure everyone goes home safely at the end of the day.

Now, let’s delve deeper into some specific measures that can be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of young workers in the construction industry:

  1. Comprehensive training: Employers should provide thorough training before they begin any tasks. This training should cover specific job duties and safety procedures, hazard identification and emergency protocols. By giving young workers the necessary knowledge and skills, employers can empower them to work safely and confidently.  Basic health and safety should be incorporated into their training from the start, and ongoing support should be provided to address any gaps in understanding. Regular check-ins to gauge their comprehension and comfort with procedures and equipment are essential.
  2. Clear communication: Good communication is key to creating a safe work environment. Employers should clearly communicate safety expectations and procedures to young workers, making sure that they understand their responsibilities and know how to respond in different situations. Young workers often have fresh perspectives and questions that can lead to improvements. Encouraging them to voice their ideas can contribute significantly to a safer workplace for everyone. 
  3. Supervision and mentorship: Experienced workers can play a vital role in guiding and mentoring young workers on construction sites. Assigning a mentor or supervisor to oversee the work of young workers can help prevent incidents and ensure that tasks are completed safely and correctly. This also provides young workers with an opportunity to learn from experienced builders and develop their skills over time.
  4. Lead by example. Supervisors play a critical role in ensuring workplace safety. They should actively monitor work practices, correct unsafe behaviors, and be available to answer questions. Providing ongoing support and guidance to supervisors, especially if they are also young workers, is essential for maintaining a positive safety culture.
  5. Regular safety inspections: Regular inspections of the work site should be conducted to identify and address any safety hazards or potential risks. Employers should involve young workers in these inspections, encouraging them to participate in hazard identification and risk assessment. By regularly assessing and addressing safety concerns, employers can create a safer work environment for all workers.
  6. Ongoing education and support: Safety education should be an ongoing process. Employers should provide regular opportunities for training and development, keeping young workers informed about new safety regulations, procedures, and best practices. Additionally, employers should offer support and guidance to young workers as they navigate their roles and responsibilities in the workplace.
  7. Create a positive culture: Creating a positive safety environment involves more than just having policies in place. Supervisors should consistently reinforce safety practices and lead by example by wearing personal protective equipment. Implementing a buddy system can also provide additional support to young workers, allowing them to learn from experienced colleagues while fostering a sense of teamwork and collaboration.


Employing young workers in the construction industry has benefits for the young person, the company and for the industry as a whole as the next generation of builders learn and grow into future roles. By prioritising safety and investing in the well-being of young workers, employers can create a culture of safety that benefits everyone involved. Together, we can build a safer and more secure future for the next generation of construction workers.


If you have any questions, get in touch with the HazardCo team today

Exposure to silica dust has been spotlighted as one of the major risks to workers in the construction industry. According to 1 NEWS, more than 100 enforcement actions have been taken against Kiwi businesses since alarms were raised in Australia, where there have been several deaths from silica dust.

What is silica dust?

Great question! Silica dust (crystalline silica) is found in some stone, rock, sand, gravel, and clay. You’ll mostly come across it in the following products:


When these materials are worked on, a fine dust is released known as respirable crystalline silica or silica dust. And it’s this dust that is harmful when inhaled into your lungs.

How can workers be exposed to silica dust?

You may be exposed to silica dust if your work involves:


Are there significant health risks?

Yes, and they can be serious if the right precautions aren’t taken. Silica dust is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without even knowing it.

Workers may develop a series of lung diseases from breathing in silica dust, including silicosis, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There is also some evidence that exposure to the dust may cause kidney disease.

What can be put in place on-site to mitigate the risks?

To follow health and safety laws, businesses should eliminate or minimise exposure to hazards by controlling the risks. For silica dust, this can be done in many ways:

Isolate work areas: Use physical barriers or computer numerical control (CNC) machines.
Look for dust control features: When buying equipment ensure dust-generating equipment has a dust collection system with a filtered air supply.
Use a H-class vacuum cleaner: Workers should not be using household vacuums to remove dust.
Set up exclusion zones: Mark the boundaries of work areas where dust is created. The signs should warn workers and specify the PPE to be used.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE should not be the first or only control measure you consider but should be used. Seek expert advice when choosing it and consult with the worker who will be using it.
On-tool extraction: Use Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) that fits directly onto the hand-held machines. This is one of the most effective ways of controlling dust.
Water suppression: To be used when LEV is not suitable. Water should be used through non-electric tools to wet dust down at the point of dust generation. Also, make sure equipment and work areas are cleaned regularly with water.
Respiratory (breathing) protection: The type of respirator you choose will depend on the job and the levels of toxicity. Always choose a respirator that fully protects the worker and carry out fit testing so it is sealed tightly against the face.
Exposure and health monitoring: Provide health monitoring for all your workers who may be exposed to silica dust. You can engage with an occupational health practitioner at Habit Health – HazardCo customers even get a special discount.
Training: Health and safety starts with educating your workers. Provide them with information, training, and instruction on the control measures and the potential health impacts.

Remember employers are required to ensure the health and safety of their workers and others at their workplace, and have a duty to control the risks associated with the job.

At HazardCo, we’re all about education and equipping workers with the knowledge they need to get home safe at the end of the day. Educating everyone on-site about the danger and what we can do to reduce them creates a healthier worksite for everyone.

If you have any questions or want to know more about how to protect your team, get in touch today.

Lithium batteries are common in everyday life and on the worksite, their lightweight, long life, interchangeability and quick charge benefits mean that they are now used in everything from laptops to power tools to EVs. But did you know that they pose a significant risk and need to be a part of your health and safety plan?

What’s the risk?

Lithium batteries of all sizes have the potential to overheat and catch fire. The fire is hotter, harder to put out and the smoke from these fires is incredibly toxic. Lithium batteries generally overheat if they get wet, damaged or are used with incorrect charging equipment.

Damaged batteries can explode at any time giving off flames that burn anywhere between 500 and 1000 degrees celsius. These fires are very difficult to extinguish as both water and CO2 will only suppress the fire, not extinguish it. Even if the fire has been suppressed it can still ignite again if the battery still contains energy to burn. Lithium batteries are also prone to thermal runaway, which is where one small fault can spread quickly through the battery causing a rapid increase in temperature and potential explosion.

Because of this, lithium batteries need to be properly cared for according to the manufacturer’s instructions to minimise the risk, aside from that, you need a plan in place in case of a fire.

Hot tip: The bigger the battery the bigger the risk of fire and explosion because of the increase in stored energy being released, think energy in = energy out almost instantly so take extra care with larger battery packs – like the ones in your hand held power tools. 

Ways to minimise the risk

Safe lithium battery disposal

Never dispose of Lithium batteries in general rubbish as it can result in a fire in your bin or on the way to a transfer station, creating a risk to those transporting them. The manufacturer should be able to advise safe disposal or check out your local battery recycling centre.

Lithium batteries are going to continue playing a crucial role in our workplaces and lifestyles, so it’s necessary to recognize the potential hazards associated with them. By having awareness of these risks and good practices, we can work together to reduce the potential dangers, resulting in safer working environments where Lithium batteries are used.

If you have any questions, give the Hazardco team a call today!

Making sure your scaffolding is safe and ready for action is key. Here are the times you’ve got to give it a good once over: 

All scaffolds must be checked by a competent person before handover and scaffolds taller than 5m must be erected and inspected by someone who holds the appropriate Certificate of Competence (COC). Handover checks involve tagging the scaffolding. No matter the height, all scaffolding must have a tag clearly displaying important safety information at access points. The tag should include the following:

 If there’s no tag, do not use it! Get in touch with your scaffold installer to sort it out and get it tagged.

Before starting each day, a pre-start check should be done. This can be done by a competent scaffold user using the HazardCo scaffolding pre-start checklist available from the Hazardco HUB.

Every week a certified scaffolder (if over 5m) or competent person (under 5m) should be checking the scaffolding to make sure it is safe. If the inspector has found any damages or non-compliant areas of the scaffold, then the access ladders need to be removed and the tag updated stating the scaffold is not compliant and should not be used.

 A thorough inspection of your scaffolding should also be conducted after any tweaks, fixes, or wild weather. And don’t forget to keep records of all these inspections.


If you have any questions get in touch with the team at HazardCo or have a look at our other working at heights blog here

Emergencies and natural disasters can happen any time. Although you can’t predict when they will happen, you can take actions to make your business more prepared. Do you and your workers kn...
worker testing RCDs
Electricity is essential on construction sites, but if the risks are not managed properly, it can pose serious dangers to people and property. Proper controls must be in place wherever electri...
group of construction workers having a toolbox meeting on a site
Health and safety is a core part of any business but incidents and injuries on the job can still happen. According to WorkSafe New Zealand’s 2022 - 2023 data, the construction industry had 6,2...
First aid being given to an injured hand
HazardCo understands that on-site first aid is about more than just sending someone on a course every few years. As an employer or contractor on-site, you have a legal and moral obligation to ...
construction worker fallen off scaffolding
WorkSafe recently published a report on Workplace harm and risk in New Zealand. The whopping 106-page report is packed with valuable information on the current state of safety and highlights a...
Split image of before and after renovations
Whether you’re carrying out extensions, renovations, flood remedial work, large landscaping jobs, or you are engaging contractors or have the clients living/working on-site, HazardCo can help....
Young worker wearing hard hat and hi vis vest
It's important for young people starting out in construction to understand how to stay safe at work. Young workers lack experience and might not know about all the hazards yet, which could put...
Stacked blocks on engineered stone containing silica dust
Exposure to silica dust has been spotlighted as one of the major risks to workers in the construction industry. According to 1 NEWS, more than 100 enforcement actions have been taken against K...
Lithium Battery with drill and screws
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scaffolding tag to show the scaffolding is safe
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worker using a machine to bore into the ground
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